Saturday, 28 May 2016

Famous Cat Village in St Julian's, Malta, under Attack

A public representation has been submitted online by the blog author Gabriele today to object against the construction plans of the owners of the Portomaso complex in St Julian's, Malta, to exploit the last small piece of land at the corner of their huge development, which will consequently lead to the destruction of the famous Cat Village - one of many cat colonies more than 1'000 individuals in Malta and Gozo take care of. Objections can still me submitted until May 31 (, PA/01735/16). Below my text:

Dear Sir, dear Madam

I would like to object to this construction, as it will destroy the "Cat Village". The place is not only a refuge for stray and abandoned cats living in the area (a consequence of irresponsible pet owners chucking unwanted and un-neutered pet cats into the street over years), but has also become a tourist attraction with regular fans as far away as Japan and the US.

The "founder" of the cat village, Mrs. Rosa Sammut, has passed away in the Noughties (not to confuse with her devoted successor's similar name). Rosa Sammut was appointed Senior of the year 2000 by then Prime Minister Fenech Adami  for her work with the Cat Village (see photographs » here). The Cat Village has truly become a landmark in St. Julian's, and can be found in many tour guide books and has many mentions on the web.

Malta's shelters are bursting with abandoned animals. Cats cannot just be "replanted" to somewhere else. They are territorial animals. And who is going to feed them and pay for their food if relocated? Malta and Gozo have more than 1,000 individuals who not only pay for cat food but also cover veterinary costs incl. spaying and neutering primarily out of their own pockets. It is their quiet work that keeps the cat population in Malta limited!

Destroying the Cat Village will, once again, push a public issue into the hands of the private sector. And this is not only unfair for the cats, but also for the community of volunteer cat carers.

Thank you.
Gabriele Ruttloff-Bauer


  1. No! Portomaso is more than large enough.

    1. Yes, I agree. This is not the first time the cat Village is threatened to be removed. Former carer (and original founder) Rosa Sammut, who passed away during the Noughties, has been in serious discussions with the Portomaso owners several times ... and always won. Cross fingers MEPA will not approve the PA !!!

  2. this application,must be rejected at all costs.Both MEPA and the Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights please take note

    1. Dear "Unknown"
      The deadline for any rejections has long passed, and MEPA has authorised the application !! The Tumas Group have promised to provide a "room" for the cats instead - whatever that means. It had been accepted by the carer of the village. We are also more than unhappy about this development ...

  3. Hi, i´m from Brazil. I'm studying in Malta on the next year!

    Exists in Brazil several campaigns for adoption of cats and dogs... I don't know if that happens in malta?

    It would be interesting to the residents of Malta adopt Street animals.

  4. Oi Marcos, tudo bem?
    Yes, of course, every animal organisation and cat shelter have their adoption schemes. Here's a list:
    To learn more about the stray ans feral cats in Malta, we would be delighted if you purchased our book (a small proceed will be collected to support spaying and neutering of stray cats in Malta). It's available as ebook (even with amazon Brazil, KIndle fire only) or on Links on this site.
    Muito obrigada, e seja bemvindo em nosso lindo país no ano proximo. Gabi
